Peculiar characteristics of speech image formation

  • Metlyaeva T.V.

    Candidate of cultural science, associate professor of Chair of Design and Technologies
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The article examines approaches to the speech image formation of an individual in the context of one’s peculiar characteristics. Image creation methods as a result of person’s activity are analyzed. The importance of individual’s emotional attitude is highlighted. Special attention is given to the importance of speech culture as a part of person’s culture. The authors also underline the significance of rhetorical techniques as well as expressiveness in language. They describe the following three elements of speech skills: articulation, spoken language logic and verbal expression. The paper presents empirical findings of the study focused on the peculiarities of speech image formation, the design which is carried out with students of department and VVSU technology and the students attending master classes of this department. Aspects concerning image formation are considered. Attention is given to motivation and aims (pragmatic and/or psychological orientation) and to an internal (self-concept and self-awareness) type and an external (perception of the wider public) type of an image.

Speech image criteria include: knowledge of the oral speech and reasoning rules together with an ability to speak distinctly, eloquently and correctly. The authors use structural-functional method that helps to examine the formation of a person’s image and the role of speech as a characteristic of an image in full detail. The structural elements of speech image are analyzed as well. The authors pay great attention both to oral speech reasoning and elocution (mastering of articulation and breathing exercises skills) in the process of speech image formation. The theoretical aspects of image formation based on the scientific studies of Shepel, Perelygina, Yakovleva are analyzed. The techniques of speech image formation studied by Issers, Karaulova and Fomina are also considered.

Keywords: speech image, identity, activity, language expressiveness, verbal action, paraverbal language.